Designer. Artist. Developer
0.Rebirth Memorial
1.Rebirth Memorial – Detail
2.Victory Pyramid
4.The Wall of Remembrance
5.The Wall of Remembrance
6.Rebirth Memorial. On the Heroes Memory – Romanian Revolution 1989
7.Rebirth Memorial. Introspection Square
8.Memorial in winter
9.Memorial at night
10. Details at night
11.First steps
12.Wood means connection with nature
13.The project aplication
15.Construction steps
16.First support components
17.Aplication of the models
18.Clay Modeling
20.Preparing the sculptural forms
21.Preparing the sculptural forms1
22.Daily at work
23.Brass construction
24.Statuary group
25.Statuary group1
26.soldering components
27.Construction on the ampasement
28.Bilding Assembly
29.Bilding Assembly
30.The Miodel
31.Project inaugation
32.Project inauguration1
33.Opening amplasament 2004
34.Opening amplasament 2004
35.Opening amplasament 2004
36.Opening amplasament 2004
37.Patriarhul Teoctist – Opening amplasament 2004
38.Opening amplasament 2004
39.Opening amplasament 2004
40.Memorial inauguration on Revolution Square
41.Guard of Honour at the Memorial oficial oppening – 2005
42.Memorial inauguration
43.Memorial inauguration
44.Memorial inauguration
45.Memorial inauguration
46.Memorial inauguration
47.Memorial inauguration
48.Memorial inauguration with Presidents Ion Iliescu and Traian Basescu – 2005
49.Memorial inauguration with Teoctist Patriarh – 2005
50.Memorial inauguration with Teoctist Patriarh
51.Memorial inauguration with Teoctist Patriarh
52.Memorial inauguration with Teoctist Patriarh
53.Rebirth Memorial from 2005 on the Revolution Square in Bucharest – Romania