Wonderful, superbly – excentric and complex bright enchantment. Admiringly yours…
BARBU BREZIANU, historian and art critic, a specialist in Constantin Brancusi’s work
My best congratulations for this magnificent exhibition – show and for the superb works of an artist I admire very much
Anna Blefari Melazzi the Ambasador of Italy, 6 th october, 2001
The fourth dimension…” “…The essential proof of intelligence that the artist gives in his escapefrom the glass sculptures consists precisely in his escape from the influence of outer and in determining the material to manifest itself in a multidimensional manner, mainly Brancusian, that is nondistructive, nongravitational and transparent beyond the translucence of the glass, and there would be a lot to add on this subjects, Alexandru Ghildus’s sculpture is completely atypical… Stylistically as a whole, formally spectacular, coherently thought, innovative and impeccably clean technically speaking, Alexandru Ghildus’s work is a proof of strength concerning the artist’s relationship with his own limits and, at the same time, the material’s cold limits. Secondly, and this is the most important, Alexandru Ghildus’s sculpture defies the laws of physics, themselves, the way classical sculpture has written them for thousands of years, and besides thosee three well-known dimensions – height, lenght, width -it also experiments a new one, namely the depth, wich is not an outer space coordinate, but one of the inner substance. The artist knows perfectly well his material, he knows its spirit and its behavior and the stress falls on the inner dimension it has, wich is not a coincidence nor a simple quotation of the nature of substance, but a voluntary component of the creation fully assumed and a long time prepared
PAVEL SUSARA Historian and art critic
Mr. Alexandru Ghildus’s exhibition is an explosion of light into and through glass, an occasion to discover the spectrum of soul and colour components
ADRIAN NASTASE Prime Minister of the Romanian Government, 10th of october 2002
Explorer of the contemporary art pulse, an creator simultaneosly acting in the field of objects, graphic arts, sculpture, painting and interior art, Alexandru Ghildus is one of the million artists wich along thousands of years have been fascinated by the transparence, fragility, sensitivity and warmth of materials. Resorting to perfectly adjusted techniques and techonologies, Ghildus creates a clear and pure form, a form without prejudice and with deep meaning. In sculpture and ambient art, Alexandru Ghildus introduces monumentality by means of the harmony brought about the use of light – filtered, decomposed and recomposed – according to a specific algorithm. The graphic image is reduced to sketch, and the object takes plain shapes deeply rooted in the age-old tradition of mankind. Alexandru Ghildus is a reformer. In his vision, the hammer’s end should caress the palm, the table lamp should be a small sun brought into the room, the chair should hospitably embrace the human body, and the eye should enjoy looking around. Mastering the mechanisms secrets, artist of impeccable form, deeply analyzing the purpose and role of the object he is creating, Alexandru Ghildus offers the user moments of high reflection. Stirring in the adult the same joy in working as the child’s amusement in discovering the worrld around, and in the child the researcher’s mature interest and eagerness to understand the meaning of things, Alexandru Ghildus is a magician whose geniune witchcraft is just the fruit of his passion, of his joy of understanding, of his curiosity, and of course, of his love for human being as well as for the amorphous material in wich he perceives a sparkle of life wich yearns to be brought to the surface
Excerpts from a text written by the art critic Radu Ionescu, 2001